
J. Kevin Dunn Photography

In one of the last entries in this weblog, I had mentioned J. Kevin Dunn's website, saying about it that it "(...)may not have a very attractive look, but the photos it shows are quite worth a careful look."
In a nice e-mail, Kevin Dunn himself tells me that the website I mentioned was an old version and that his new website, with more complete galleries and some of his last work, is now at http://www.jkevindunn.com/. This website has seven different galleries, including "Railways", his newest work that deserves to be seen and felt like a long trip through the Canadian prairies.


Joyce Tenneson

Website of American photographer Joyce Tenneson, an exceptional portraitist who also creates other types of images - check her flowe still lives, for instance. This site has several galleries full of great images, prints for sale, a list of the books published by Tenneson, a small biography and the list of workshops in which she participates.


J. Kevin Dunn Photography

J. Kevin Dunn's website may not have a very attractive look, but the photos it shows are quite worth a careful look. I found the work of this photographer through the publication of his "My Life As A Dog" portfolio in an old number of Lenswork magazine, which is certainly a sign of quality. In his website, Dunn presents us with three portfolios: "Canadiana", "Canine" e "Wedding", always in beautiful black & white and with a unique look on everything around him.


Jan Saudek

«At the field of Photography, as same as in Love, everything's allowed.
You can do anything you desire!
You're permitted to shoot your pictures from the respectful distance, you may use various gimmicks, overpay your models, you can come very close (with the camera) to your adored objects, sink to the water (don't forget to emerge!) you can "forget" to pay your model and to short her wages, you may develop your films in river, in hot soup, in fixer - you can run naked and drunk all over your studio, can use all existing types of cameras, old papers, expired films, bad, weak light - you can lose your good manners, hopes, insight - you can fall to sleep during session, overthrow the tripod with the camera, forget your Hasselblad in woods oranythingg you want - but still there are 2 things you must to avoid: you are not allowed to lie - and you mustn't be boring.
That point 1 I try to avoid really carefully - one shouldn't lie at all.
And, as for rule #2: it's up my respectable viewer to tell if I don't...»

(Jan Saudek)


Burton Pritzker

Official website of American photographer Burton Pritzker. It shows three series of photographs, "Texas Rangeland", "Artifacts" and "Watermark". I discovered Pritzker's work in Lenswork #43 (Oct/Nov 2002), where part of the "Texas Rangeland" portfolio was published. Pritzker has the ability of transforming what he photographs into something different, creating his own world through the abstraction he gives to shapes and textures (take a look, for instance, at the almost unreal images of bulls and horses in "Texas Rangeland"). A vision quite different from what we're used to, worth knowing.


Jazz & Blues

"Jazz & Blues" - my first solo exhibition will start at the end of next week. It will be held from the 27th of September to the 1st of November at the Catacumbas Jazz Bar in Lisbon.
This exhibition is comprised of 16 photographs taken at rehearsals and gigs of Jazz and Blues bands and it tries to connect my own personal vision of the peculiar mood of these musical genres with a space dedicated to them - the Catacumbas Jazz Bar.
If you'd like to have an idea of what the exhibition will look like, you may visit its website, here.

Catacumbas is at Travessa da Água da Flor, n.43, at Bairro Alto, Lisbon. Show up for a drink, I'll be around...


Xposure Photography

The website that presents the work of Portuguese photographer Pedro Guimarães. Includes his biography, information and contacts for commercial works and his artistic portfolio. This last one is divided in 6 thematic galleries - "Angels", "Europeans", "Pilgrimages", "S.Bartolomeu do Mar", "Singles" and "Beach" and each one of them has beautiful pictures with Pedro's very own ambiance. The "Europeans" portfolio, under the name "A descoberta de um turista" ("The discovery of a tourist") has recently won the Center/North zone award in the first FNAC New Photography Talent award (in Portugal).


Czech + Slovak Staged Photographs

A website that gathers the work of several Czech and Slovak photographers that have in common the staging of their images as a way of better expressing their personal vision. The site has several interesting galleries and deserves a careful visit to become better acquainted with the conceptual work of these authors.


Flux + Mutability

Finally, Luis Farrolas's website! A personal friend and one of the people that was more directly responsible for my interest in photography, Luis presents his work in these pages, in six galleries that show well the versatility and the undeniable quality of his vision, which deserves being shared in a global way.


Corey Arnold

Directly from Austria, Martin shows me a link to an amazing site. Norse photographer Corey Alrnold's work, divided into four galleries - Animalia, Humans, The Night and Fish-Work, the first two in black & white, the other two in colour. There are some great photographies here, in every gallery - Corey manages to create images of great sensibility, never losing his sense of humour. A great discovery - I owe you one, Martin, thanks!...


Joel-Peter Witkin Gallery

Today, while talking to a friend about the writings of Edgar Allan Poe, I was reminded of Witkin's images. Cristina was talking to me about the cruelty and extreme beauty in Poe's tales, about the "horrible beauty" of his writing - and I was thinking precisely of the same characteristics in Witkin's photographs. I'm fascinated with the way he manages to join the grotesque of his themes - people with physical deficiencies or mutilations, corpses... - with inspiration from classical paintings and sculptures, building images of profound beauty. Disturbing images, yet very beautiful.


aeternus - the photography of lisa a. johnston

Aeternus is the website that shows the photographic work of lisa a. johnston. There is a gallery with a few photomontages and the rest of the work is entirely comprised of pinhole photographies, which serves well to show what so many times seems to be forgotten in the majority of the photographic websites that have "exploded" lately: that the focus of the photographic work should always be on inspiration. And never on technique.


BZK Group - Covers

(photo by Mário Pires)

And so the exhibition started. The opening was yesterday night, it will be open to the public from today until the 17th of September. In the Padrão dos Descobrimentos, Lisbon, everyday except Mondays.

In the website it's possible to find information about the group, its projects and each of the members.

Nan Goldin

A website dedicated to the work of Nan Goldin. Photos taken from what is perhaps her best-known work, The Ballad Of Sexual Dependency.


Site update

A small update at the website, with new photos in the smoke and les gens galleries.
I noticed yesterday that the site (which by the way was created precisely 20 months ago) has passed the mark of 10,000 visitors (10,410 at this precise moment, according to the nedstat data). This probably isn't very interesting to you all, but to me it's one of those statistical data that feels good looking at... ;)


Jay Gumm

Jay Gumm's website, a photographer that explores the nude and erotism in a strong, sometimes almost violent way, as a means to question his own human nature. Mixing digital techniques with the physical manipulation of negatives and prints, Gumm acheives surprising effects and unique compositions. A website to enjoy in detail.


26 things - the international photographic scavenger hunt

To any photographer, one of the more serious problems is the lack of creativity. In a world completely saturated by photographic images, with photography being more and more accessible to everyone, originality is hard to find - when everything seems to have already been done, is it still possible to innovate?

The 26 things project tries to make us see things in a different way - simplify instead of complicate - if it's so hard to find new themes to photograph, why not force us to explore the "old" themes, the ones that have been used to exhaustion? The idea of the project is to take 26 simple themes - "love", "time", "colour", "little things", to name a few - and shoot one photo for each theme during the month of July. On the 1st of August each photographer submits his photos to the website, thus contributing to a big thematic gallery.

Even if one does not submit his photos, it's always an interesting idea as a means to improve one's creativity. One of the themes is "a sunset", one of the more abominable photographic themes, due to the exasperating and exhaustive way in which it has been photographed. Just for the fun of trying to photograph it in a really creative way, I think it will be worth trying to participate in this project.


Kansas City Jazz

Jazz has always been a very interesting source of photographic inspiration - the strength and the heat of the music, the sensuality of the movements, the rythm and the swing have attracted photographers since its beginning. In this website it is possible to see an exhibition about the New Orleans of today and the jazz that breathes through the city. A good photo essay to visit while listening to the best jazz (a suggestion: "At The Bohemia", Charles Mingus, precisely what I'm listening to while writing this post, and one of my favourite Mingus CDs... ;) )

Zosia Zija

A website showing the photographic work of Zosia Zija, polish photographer. The website is divided into three galleries - people, thoughts and places, showing black & white photos, portraits of people and places, always in a vision at the same time simple and strong. Check it out!

BZK Group - Covers

From the 17th of July to the 17th of September it will be held in the Cidade de Lisboa room of the Padrão dos Descobrimentos in Lisbon the photographic exhibition "Covers" from the BZK group.

The BZK group was created in 2002 by artists that use photography as a means of expression. With different personal background, they are united by the will to present works of collective creation that can generate aesthetics that won't overcome the individuality of each member.

For this exhibition, the group has created photographic "cover versions" of five songs. It is not, however, a mere "photo-clip", nor an illustration - it is instead the impression on photographic paper of the emotions provoked by those songs.

The BZK Group is:
António Lucas Soares
António Vieira
Bruno Espadana
Luís Farrolas
Mário Filipe Pires




Some more suggestions, all taken from an interesting photographic weblog, Conscientious:

- Malcolm Pasley - black & white nudes gallery
- Olivier Christinat - black & white work in a unique style
- Tokihiro Sato - black & white photographer with an interesting technique that brings together slow shutter speeds with mirrors to create surreal light effects
- Tom Baril - the work of the photographer that was for 15 years Robert Mapplethorpe's master printer - and it shows in his own photographs, an excellent work


Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison

A site worth knowing - the official site of the work of Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison, dream-like photos in a different and beautiful world.
I discovered this website due to rain song, a Portuguese weblog where much - and good! - photography is found. Worth the visit. :)


My first e-book

Well, it's official and I can now announce it:

I published today my first photography book, an electronic book that exists only on the Internet on the other side of this link.
It's a book that brings together some of my photos with quotes from several authors. It's a simple book with eleven double pages and to me it is sort of a turning point.
I hope you like it :-)

Site update

New site update. I'm starting to worry about the time I take to update things around here - this time I was more than 2 months without saying anything...
Well, there are two new galleries, jazz and smoke, some (few) photos changing galleries and others that were gone for good. I am preparing a new part of the site, it may be ready today, but for now I can't tell what it is :-)))


Site update

Site update: after some time in hibernation, there is finally some new stuff around here - three new galleries, lo-fi, lomo and s; I also added and removed some photos in the other galleries.


Site update

Site update: new photos in the polaroid gallery.
Given the integration of this website in the olhares.net project, there is now a link to that site in all the pages of brunoespadana.com.